Yogurt IS alive!!! RAWR!!!!

Yogurzilla killed the Strawberry and is on the march looking for YOU!

These fun tote bags are a collaboration between yours truly and the ridiculously talented Jesse at South End Textiles.

We've got a couple of other designs in the works to be unveiled in the next few weeks. However once the purple Yogurzilla is gone, it's gone like Donkey Kong.

Maybe it will come back in yellow or green or Bedazzled (TM), but if you have your little heart set on purple you will want to get it now as there are only 25 24 23 of these limited edition bad boys.


Already sold two.

Shoot me an email, bangbang, if you are interested. I am happy to mail them for free in the US and yep, I take PayPal.

Otherwise come by the SoWa market on June 19th and get one yo'self.



Mary said…
So ridiculously cute! How much are they?

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