No food posts.

I had to wire my jaw shut because I am on Weight Watchers and everything I like to eat has about 47,000 points.

Like the gnocchi I had the other night at B&G. With parsley and escargot. Freaking delicious!

Or the warm spinach salad I had last night at Picco, with the goat cheese and the bacon.....

Jeezus. It's just easier to be um, voluptuous.


BFW (Tammy) said…
I just wanted to let you know I find your blog hysterical. I found you through Food on the Food. I love how you write... it's very funny. Check out my blog... I'd love to link back and forth. I think my readers would appreciate your humor... that, and I struggle with trying to eat healthy and having moments of caving in as well(I'm just not as blatently honest about it for fear of emabarrasment!)


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