Final Days for Team Calamity Shazaam

For all the fantastic members of Team Calamity Shazaam: please be sure that you have emailed me your info so that I can post about it.

I've gotten reports back from lots of you and all I can say is WOWZA! Team Calamity Shazaam members have done the team PROUD!

For every single member who has written me saying "I can't bake but..." I would just like to say that you might want to check your pants for fire because you lie! Not one baker has failed the mission and that is going to make Kevin (and his family - because who would want to shower an absent family member with cookies) pretty excited this holiday season.

I am working to get everyone posted by Monday at the latest because I know that due to the weather and the holidays some of you are mailing out a few days late - which is perfectly ok. And if I leave you off the post, please please PLEASE let me know immediately.

Oh and THANK YOU!!!!!!!!


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