The OTHER Mothership

I am away for a few days, down south and in the sun, visiting a very dear friend and her lovely girlfriend.

The thing I love about my pal Jo is that she and I are on the same wave length about lot of things, mostly about what is funny and when to eat, which is pretty awesome when you are a funny & hungry girl like me.

On our way to her house from the airport we made a pit stop at Mazzaros Market, basically the supermarket of my dreams.

I could not really get a decent shot of the place as I was like "ooh, I want that, oh and that, and one of those..." But this gives you a general idea.

Row after row of epicurean delights. A kind of heavenly warehouse with row after row of amazing things to eat. All I needed to see was an Oompa-Loompa and I would have started to actually worry.

We brought home 6 sandwiches, 8 pastries, a box of their specialty cookies, a packet of amaretti, and a package of ladyfingers. For two people, with a third on the way.


But honestly it was SO good (except for the rum cake, which was "eh" at best) and now I am planning my next visit around this magical place.

I hope YOU are having a fabulous weekend as well!


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