Let it snow.

Two things are on my mind today.

One - last night I was at the Trident Bookstore & Cafe for trivia and this is the second time I've been there and have wanted the deep fried smores and they were out! What a disappointment.

But we won at trivia, so you know, slap & tickle.

Two - I went to Russo's this afternoon and I truly do not think that there is ever a good time to go to Russo's. I hate that I love it so much. I really do. And worse is that I went and was sort of distracted so I don't really even know what I was thinking with some of the stuff I bought. I keep thinking it's going to be a good day for cooking tomorrow, but then I wanted to get stuff for lunches next week. And I have chicken thighs in the freezer...

I think I am going to have a nap and then think about it.


Pam said…
So I went to trivia at the Squealing Pig this past week, and it made me realize I don't like Stump trivia. I had much more fun at Trident... I'll have to go back (with or without you!).
tammy said…
The only time to go to Russo's is between 8 and 9 am. Not that that's when I go. No, of course not. But that's when it's tolerable.

BTW, I made the Diemand Farms chicken on Sat nite and it was AMAZING. So unbelievably tender and flavorful. I couldn't believe it. I can't wait for my Christmas turkey!
Anonymous said…
OMG we were at Russos and it was like bumper derby. SO annoying. They could double the building and it could only get worse. Fortuantly I went with a list because if I hadn't written it down... well I would have five unrelated unusable things...

take care...

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