Down Cape Eat-a-Thon Part 2

Uhhhh oh yeah, there was a part one to this... you can read about that HERE.

And realistically it is a little late to be posting about Labor Day now, but a chocolate bag was involved so I can't really let it go.

Oh but first let me explain about this place:

This is the Improper Bostonian - the Evil Twin called it "tea dance for straight people". It is where Jim Plunkett plays songs and heckles his audience. It is where I went and got so blind drunk that I passed out for 12 hours straight. Flat out on the bed, fully dressed.


When I finally could get mostly vertical without dry heaving, the ET and I drove up to Provincetown to visit Uncle Don and KenDoll who fed us delicious food that I could not stop eating:

There is NOTHING better than pasta and meat sauce for restoring a person after a massive hangover.

I know, I know, you were thinking that the chocolate bag would have sorted me...

After the jaunt to P-town (one of my most favorite places on earth!) we headed back Down Cape.
And went out for dinner, natch.

The Future Bro-in-Law had sorted us out for dinner that night at the Ocean House, which I've heard so much about.

This was the gorgeous view from our table:

And now that I've left it so long, I've forgotten what everyone had, but I know that I had oysters. Never say die, right?

And the chicken:

And then everything else:

The dip for the bread


Lobster ravioli

Hmmm. Pasta of some sort.

And I think this was the cod.

Of course all this was just hurdles on the eating derby to the Chocolate Bag - literally a bag made out of chocolate and stuffed with brownie, ice cream, caramel, banana, and chocolate sauce. You only think it will make you sick. It won't. I should know.


Side view

Whoops! Smashed to bits to get to the ice cream
Behold! the Chocolate Bag!

So yeah, I ate my way through Labor Day. And I've only just now recovered. Now, who wants to go get a Chocolate Bag with me?


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