Since it's technically IMPOSSIBLE that I am with child

People should be getting ready for the second coming of the Messiah because even though it is woefully technically not possible that I am "avec bebe", I want to know how else it is possible that I just ate an entire smallish container of guacamole.

Especially considering that I HATE avocados. I mean I really do LOATHE them.

I have this idea in my head that if you were to gently poach a slug, it would be of the same consistency as an avocado. Plus the word 'guacamole' reminds me of the word 'guano' which means batpoo. A good rule of thumb to me would be to avoid eating anything that begins with the letters g-u-a.


But for some strange & bizarre reason, I bought some guacamole today and ate it. I sort of feel satisfied and contented, but also I now really want to throw up.


*image from Colintheriot @ Daily T Shirt


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