I say tomatoh, you say tamatah.....

Pretty much this has been a carbohydrate loving weekend.

Last night I had a sleepover at my friend Moet's house and I have to give her, her Hubbster, and the kidlets a big shout out because I had SUPER time chilling out with them. Moet and I were meant to run a 5k today but decided against it on account of the rain.

Moet made me lamb ragout with bucatini and it was sooooo good. She topped it with a little ricotta and some damp sea salt and quite frankly I was in heaven. Plus we washed it all down with beer from a jug. And let me just say that the Berkshire Brewing Company bottles a mighty fine ale in a growler. We polished that bad boy right off.

And then she made me French toast for breakfast. Which she dipped in crushed Bordeaux cookies. Drooooool.

So tonight when I came home I was a little disappointed to have to cook for myself to be honest.

I had a couple of tomatoes and a few peppers and well that was about it. I roasted the peppers for use later in the week, but as for the tomatoes I figured I might as well make a little tomato sauce, thinking that I would make pizza later in the week.

However earlier this week I was catching up on various blogs and came across my bloggerganger's post for Roasted Tomato Sauce. Which seemed like the perfect way to use up dem tomatas.

Let me tell you, Roasted Tomato Sauce is probably the best tomato sauce recipe EVAR!

Basically I followed Shazaam's instructions, with the exception of the oil mister, which I don't own. So the recipe is basically like this:

1. Quarter up as many tomatoes as you are going to use.
2. Put them in a bowl and toss them with a splash of olive oil, a sprinkling of vinegar (balsamic preferably), some pepper, and if you don't have fresh garlic handy, a little sprinkle of garlic powder. If you do use fresh, great! Just toss it in there too.
3. Put the whole megillah on a foil lined sheet and put into a 375-degree oven for, oh, about 30 - 4o minutes or until slightly brown and bubbling.
4. Remove from oven and put in food processor. At this point I added some basil. And whiz it all together.
5. Et voila! Delicious tomato sauce.

Ok, so some notes. I used garlic powder because for some mysterious reason I was out of fresh. I always have some garlic powder on hand for when I make popcorn. Also I also added a little chili powder in before, but now that I think about it, I think a little chipotle would have been better. And throwing in some onions was part of Shazaam's original plan, but again, I am out. But I love onions, so I will be sure to include them the next time.

It was amazing over fusilli, and unbelievably I have a tiny bit left over for pizza later this week! Nice! Thank you Shazaam!


Mary said…
You're welcome! Bloggerganger. I like that.
you can actually roast the tomatoes for even longer -my mother leaves hers in for 4 hrs! obvs, the longer you leave them in, the more concentrated your sauce will be, but some people (me) aren't so patient!
Annabelle B. said…
Mary: Thanks again. Sad but true, I was eating the sauce out of the pot this morning for breakfast.

BTP: I would love to roast them for hours. But what happens is that they start to smell so good and I wind up plucking out bits with my tongs and trying to eat them without scalding the life out of my mouth. Looks ridiculous, but tastes DELICIOUS.

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