On food porn.

Did I ever mention that I love John Thorne? Because I do. It is a love similar to Tammy's Farmer Love. It's embarrassing, unrequited, and passionate and I take Simple Cooking to bed with me every night.

Did I mention this love was embarrassing? Yep.

I mean really, the very first section includes SEVEN hot chocolate recipes. Seven.


Ok well anyway, I've been reading through the book and it's exactly my kind of food porn. Some folks like their food porn full of glossy centerfolds of puff pastry and foie gras, or thick volumes of aesthetically pleasing French haute cuisine. I am not that girl. I like a cozier kind of food porn.

I want to read recipes that are the kind of recipes my girlfriend would give me over the phone. Roast chicken, rice and peas, black cake - these are the things I get off on.

And don't get me wrong, I love gougeres or steak tartare as much as the next person, but those sorts of things don't keep me warm at night.

Instead I snuggle into bed and crack open Simple Cooking and start reading. Mr. Thorne is easy on the eyes. His writing style would win over even the most stalwart non-cooker with observations that are somehow ordinary and yet completely elegant.

And just when you start to despair that you don't somehow get around to cooking from scratch every meal, he helpfully provides a recipe for a no-fail chocolate bundt recipe that involves cake mix and sour cream and can be basically made from ingredients that can be had at the local bodega. A major plus for those times when you realize that you need a cake for the next day and it's 9 pm.


This cookbook is going on the Do Not Lend shelf, along with Home Cooking, More Home Cooking, La Methode, and La Technique, oh and the Junior League of Athens GA cookbook circa 1967 which technically I don't own, but really really wish I did.


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