OBG Round 5 - Last Call

Attention all bakers, baker wannabees, and slice & bakerz!!!

I am still recruiting for Operation Baking GALS and I want YOU to join! Team Calamity Shazaam is currently seeking new recruits and guess what? No experience necessary!

All you need to be able to do is fill a box with cookies and mail it off to Kevin, who is currently serving over in Afghanistan.

You can make fancy cookies from scratch, you can make Grandma's spice drops, you can make cookies you simply slice and bake. It's whatever you are comfortable with.

Because in the end, there is someone who is going to be really happy that you did.

All you have to do is go to the www.BakingGals.com and register with Team Calamity Shazaam.

You'll be glad you did. :)


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