Thanksgiving Eve

So here I am, sitting in my parents dining room, waiting to put the last of the pies in the oven and thinking.

Radiohead is playing and this particular tune is totally reminding me of the music to Bladerunner - one of my all time favorite films ever. And because it is a mix up of songs, occasionally some CSN&Y will come on, or Pinback, or Beck.

I am very contented right now. My life is pretty good, if I do say so myself. Luckily I am friends with really wonderful people who are smart and funny and goofy and honest. I have a family that I enjoy hanging about with. I like where I live, I like my things, I like my life. I am fortunate that I have such an easy life, and I appreciate it very much when I actually stop to think about it.
Some people don't have it so easy.

Some people have it wicked hard. So hard that sometimes they go hungry. Sometime their kids go hungry. And I've seen a hungry kid whose parent is trying to make the ends meet and can't give their kid enough to eat.

And one hungry kid is too many, as any parent will tell you.

I am not going to tell anyone to give to charity this holiday season, but it would be so awesome if people would consider sending a few bucks to their local food bank.

The Greater Boston Food Bank says that every $1 donated buys $4 worth of food, and that one single dollar can help feed one single person TWO meals. Nationally has partnered with Kraft in a matching program that will double donations, up until they reach $200,000.

Since I am a bad one for donating online (I never have my wallet near the computer for fear that I will order everything on site during the J Crew sales) I am including the addresses for both organizations, and perhaps you can drop a little love in an envelope... :

For nationwide donations:

Feeding America
Donor Services Department
35 East Wacker Drive
Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60601

For Boston area donations:

The Greater Boston Food Bank
99 Atkinson Street
Boston, MA 02118-2701

Alternatively, if you are broke like me, you can go to and answer vocabulary questions to earn rice donations through the UN. Be warned though, it's not easy and it is highly addictive - if you're a word nerd like me.

And I hope you and yours have a happy Thanksgiving!


L said…
The vocabulary one gets too hard too quickly for me.

But I now know where a ton of countries are on the map!


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