Ok, I am just going to go ahead and say it.

What is with "Prize-winning noodle kugel"?
Because it has been emailed A LOT from the Boston.com website.
To the point where I kind of want to make it. Although see the post below which explains why I won't, for the next few days anyway.
In the past hour (about 11pm to 12am ish) it was emailed a total of 32 times. That is a lot of people making noodle kugel out there.

But then in the past month it was emailed a total of 4762 times! Holy crap! That is 158 people a day, or so, getting revved up for kugel.

I feel like everyone is at a party and I am sitting at home wondering where everyone is.
As soon as Monsieur Le Virusse is done with his little holiday in my intestine I am totally all about the "Prize-winning noodle kugel".
I love lasagna in pretty much any form, so why not sweet!
But if it stinks, I might have to have your mom make me some.